During a recent trip to Beijing, I suggested to a coach that she use IDA results to build a record over time of her effectiveness. She said, “Charlie, my clients will not wait months for results.” I responded, “I understand. Would you like to solve previously “unsolvable” dilemmas in about an hour? The Context Solving Worksheet (“CSW”) can do exactly that.

  • Download the “Context Shifting Worksheet,” and give it a try.
The compelling thing about Charlie Pellerin’s 4-D System is that it works. As a senior NASA leader, I witnessed a literal transformation as the 4-D system took root in our culture. In How NASA Builds Teams, Dr. Pellerin tells the 4-D story with concrete examples and clear analysis. I endorse this book in the strongest possible terms. However, what matters most is how the book’s “4-D System” has enhanced the lives and careers of thousands of practitioners."
- Rex D. Geveden, Former NASA Chief Engineer

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