Click on "Preferred 4-D Network Providers" to see who these entities are. We confer “Preferred” status when we can assure potential clients that these providers are highly-qualified. These are routes to preferred status:

  • Attend a three–day 4-D Workshop as an observer;
  • Put serious effort into staffing a 4-D capability;
  • Have strong recommendations from other preferred 4-D providers; and/or
  • Build trusting relationships with 4-D principals.

In other words, demonstrate to us through your actions that you both embody and can effectively provide 4-D services to clients.

Charlie Pellerin, using extensive, real-world examples, has developed the “4-D” process, providing deep insight into team performance. His book contains tools, attitudes, and habits to improve toward greatness. I find Charlie’s ideas persuasive and his explanations extremely clear. I strongly endorse this book. I believe the reader will find it entertaining as well as a wonderful approach to forge a more successful team. When I developed GPS, I wish it had been available to me.
- Dr. Brad Parkinson, first Program Director and Chief Architect of the Global Positioning System (GPS)

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